Package | Description |
org.hibernate |
This package defines the central Hibernate APIs.
org.hibernate.cfg.annotations | |
org.hibernate.dialect |
This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database.
org.hibernate.engine.spi | |
org.hibernate.envers.query.internal.impl | |
org.hibernate.event.internal |
This package defines a default set of event listeners that
implements the default behaviors of Hibernate.
org.hibernate.event.spi | |
org.hibernate.hql.internal.classic |
This package contains the Hibernate 2.x query parser which
is being end-of-lifed.
org.hibernate.internal |
An internal package containing mostly implementations of central Hibernate APIs.
org.hibernate.internal.util.collections | |
org.hibernate.jpa.spi | |
org.hibernate.loader |
This package defines functionality for processing JDBC
result sets and returning complex graphs of persistent
org.hibernate.loader.criteria |
This package defines the criteria query compiler and loader
org.hibernate.loader.custom |
This package defines a framework for custom loaders that accept
handwritten SQL
org.hibernate.loader.entity |
This package defines entity loaders
org.hibernate.loader.entity.plan | |
org.hibernate.loader.hql |
This package defines a loader for the AST-based query parser
org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.query.internal |
Provides the internal implementation for generating the load query for the LoadPlan.
org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.query.spi |
Defines the SPI for obtaining values for options that impact the load query.
org.hibernate.persister.entity |
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for
entities, and defines the Hibernate runtime
org.hibernate.sql |
This package defines helper classes for rendering SQL
fragments and SQL statements.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static LockOptions |
Represents LockMode.NONE (timeout + scope do not apply).
static LockOptions |
Represents LockMode.READ (timeout + scope do not apply).
static LockOptions |
Represents LockMode.UPGRADE (will wait forever for lock and scope of false meaning only entity is locked).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LockOptions |
LockOptions.copy(LockOptions source,
LockOptions destination)
Perform a shallow copy.
LockOptions |
Obtains the LockOptions in effect for this query.
LockOptions |
Make a copy.
LockOptions |
LockOptions.setAliasSpecificLockMode(String alias,
LockMode lockMode)
Specify the
LockMode to be used for a specific query alias. |
LockOptions |
LockOptions.setLockMode(LockMode lockMode)
Set the overall
LockMode to be used. |
LockOptions |
LockOptions.setScope(boolean scope)
Set the scope.
LockOptions |
LockOptions.setTimeOut(int timeout)
Set the timeout setting.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Session.LockRequest |
Session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions lockOptions)
Build a LockRequest that specifies the LockMode, pessimistic lock timeout and lock scope.
static LockOptions |
LockOptions.copy(LockOptions source,
LockOptions destination)
Perform a shallow copy.
Object |
Session.get(Class clazz,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier,
or null if there is no such persistent instance.
Object |
Session.get(String entityName,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier,
or null if there is no such persistent instance.
Object |
Session.load(Class theClass,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier,
obtaining the specified lock mode, assuming the instance exists.
Object |
Session.load(String entityName,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier,
obtaining the specified lock mode, assuming the instance exists.
void |
Session.refresh(Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database, with
the given LockMode.
void |
Session.refresh(String entityName,
Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database, with
the given LockMode.
Query |
Query.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions)
Set the lock options for the query.
IdentifierLoadAccess |
IdentifierLoadAccess.with(LockOptions lockOptions)
Specify the
LockOptions to use when retrieving the entity. |
NaturalIdLoadAccess |
NaturalIdLoadAccess.with(LockOptions lockOptions)
Specify the
LockOptions to use when retrieving the entity. |
SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess |
SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess.with(LockOptions lockOptions)
Specify the
LockOptions to use when retrieving the entity. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LockOptions |
QueryHintDefinition.determineLockOptions(NamedQuery namedQueryAnnotation) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SybaseASE157Dialect.appendLockHint(LockOptions mode,
String tableName) |
String |
SQLServer2005Dialect.appendLockHint(LockOptions lockOptions,
String tableName) |
String |
Dialect.appendLockHint(LockOptions lockOptions,
String tableName)
Some dialects support an alternative means to SELECT FOR UPDATE,
whereby a "lock hint" is appends to the table name in the from clause.
String |
SQLServerDialect.appendLockHint(LockOptions lockOptions,
String tableName) |
String |
SybaseASE157Dialect.applyLocksToSql(String sql,
LockOptions aliasedLockOptions,
Map<String,String[]> keyColumnNames) |
String |
Dialect.applyLocksToSql(String sql,
LockOptions aliasedLockOptions,
Map<String,String[]> keyColumnNames)
Modifies the given SQL by applying the appropriate updates for the specified
lock modes and key columns.
String |
Dialect.getForUpdateString(LockOptions lockOptions)
Given LockOptions (lockMode, timeout), determine the appropriate for update fragment to use.
String |
AbstractHANADialect.getForUpdateString(String aliases,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
String |
Dialect.getForUpdateString(String aliases,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Get the FOR UPDATE OF column_list fragment appropriate for this
dialect given the aliases of the columns to be write locked.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected LockOptions |
NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder.lockOptions |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LockOptions |
QueryParameters.getLockOptions() |
LockOptions |
NamedQueryDefinition.getLockOptions() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Session.LockRequest |
SessionDelegatorBaseImpl.buildLockRequest(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionDelegatorBaseImpl.get(Class clazz,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionDelegatorBaseImpl.get(String entityName,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionDelegatorBaseImpl.load(Class theClass,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionDelegatorBaseImpl.load(String entityName,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
void |
SessionDelegatorBaseImpl.refresh(Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
void |
SessionDelegatorBaseImpl.refresh(String entityName,
Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder |
NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) |
void |
QueryParameters.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) |
NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder |
NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Constructor and Description |
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes,
Object[] positionalParameterValues,
LockOptions lockOptions,
RowSelection rowSelection,
boolean isReadOnlyInitialized,
boolean readOnly,
boolean cacheable,
String cacheRegion,
String comment,
List<String> queryHints,
boolean isLookupByNaturalKey,
ResultTransformer transformer) |
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes,
Object[] positionalParameterValues,
Map<String,TypedValue> namedParameters,
LockOptions lockOptions,
RowSelection rowSelection,
boolean isReadOnlyInitialized,
boolean readOnly,
boolean cacheable,
String cacheRegion,
String comment,
List<String> queryHints,
Serializable[] collectionKeys,
Object optionalObject,
String optionalEntityName,
Serializable optionalId,
ResultTransformer transformer) |
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes,
Object[] positionalParameterValues,
Map<String,TypedValue> namedParameters,
LockOptions lockOptions,
RowSelection rowSelection,
boolean isReadOnlyInitialized,
boolean readOnly,
boolean cacheable,
String cacheRegion,
String comment,
List<String> queryHints,
Serializable[] collectionKeys,
ResultTransformer transformer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AuditQuery |
AbstractAuditQuery.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions)
Set lock options
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractLockUpgradeEventListener.upgradeLock(Object object,
EntityEntry entry,
LockOptions lockOptions,
EventSource source)
Performs a pessimistic lock upgrade on a given entity, if needed.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static LockOptions |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LockOptions |
LoadEvent.getLockOptions() |
LockOptions |
LockEvent.getLockOptions() |
LockOptions |
ResolveNaturalIdEvent.getLockOptions() |
LockOptions |
RefreshEvent.getLockOptions() |
Constructor and Description |
LoadEvent(Serializable entityId,
String entityClassName,
LockOptions lockOptions,
EventSource source) |
LockEvent(Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions,
EventSource source) |
LockEvent(String entityName,
Object original,
LockOptions lockOptions,
EventSource source) |
RefreshEvent(Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions,
EventSource source) |
RefreshEvent(String entityName,
Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions,
EventSource source) |
ResolveNaturalIdEvent(Map<String,Object> naturalIdValues,
EntityPersister entityPersister,
LockOptions lockOptions,
EventSource source) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected LockMode[] |
QueryTranslatorImpl.getLockModes(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract LockOptions |
AbstractQueryImpl.getLockOptions() |
LockOptions |
SQLQueryImpl.getLockOptions() |
LockOptions |
QueryImpl.getLockOptions() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Session.LockRequest |
SessionImpl.buildLockRequest(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionImpl.get(Class entityClass,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionImpl.get(String entityName,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionImpl.load(Class entityClass,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
SessionImpl.load(String entityName,
Serializable id,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
void |
SessionImpl.refresh(Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
void |
SessionImpl.refresh(String entityName,
Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Query |
SQLQueryImpl.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Query |
QueryImpl.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOption) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LockOptions[] |
ArrayHelper.fillArray(LockOptions lockOptions,
int length) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LockOptions[] |
ArrayHelper.fillArray(LockOptions lockOptions,
int length) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LockOptions |
HibernateEntityManagerImplementor.getLockRequest(LockModeType lockModeType,
Map<String,Object> properties)
Convert from JPA 2
LockModeType & properties into LockOptions |
LockOptions |
AbstractEntityManagerImpl.getLockRequest(LockModeType lockModeType,
Map<String,Object> properties) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RuntimeException |
HibernateEntityManagerImplementor.convert(HibernateException e,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Converts a Hibernate-specific exception into a JPA-specified exception; note that the JPA sepcification makes use
of exceptions outside its exception hierarchy, though they are all runtime exceptions.
RuntimeException |
AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(HibernateException e,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
RuntimeException |
AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(RuntimeException e,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
PersistenceException |
AbstractEntityManagerImpl.wrapLockException(HibernateException e,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected LockOptions |
JoinWalker.lockOptions |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LockOptions |
JoinWalker.getLockModeOptions() |
protected LockOptions |
OuterJoinLoader.getLockOptions() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected LockMode |
Loader.determineFollowOnLockMode(LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected abstract LockMode[] |
Loader.getLockModes(LockOptions lockOptions)
What lock options does this load entities with?
protected LockMode[] |
OuterJoinLoader.getLockModes(LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected void |
AbstractEntityJoinWalker.initAll(String whereString,
String orderByString,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected void |
AbstractEntityJoinWalker.initAll(String whereString,
String orderByString,
LockOptions lockOptions,
JoinWalker.AssociationInitCallback callback) |
protected void |
JoinWalker.initPersisters(List associations,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected void |
JoinWalker.initPersisters(List associations,
LockOptions lockOptions,
JoinWalker.AssociationInitCallback callback) |
protected void |
AbstractEntityJoinWalker.initProjection(String projectionString,
String whereString,
String orderByString,
String groupByString,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected List |
Loader.loadEntity(SessionImplementor session,
Object id,
Type identifierType,
Object optionalObject,
String optionalEntityName,
Serializable optionalIdentifier,
EntityPersister persister,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Called by subclasses that load entities
List |
Loader.loadEntityBatch(SessionImplementor session,
Serializable[] ids,
Type idType,
Object optionalObject,
String optionalEntityName,
Serializable optionalId,
EntityPersister persister,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Called by wrappers that batch load entities
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected LockMode |
CriteriaLoader.determineFollowOnLockMode(LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected LockMode[] |
CriteriaLoader.getLockModes(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected LockMode[] |
CustomLoader.getLockModes(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract UniqueEntityLoader |
BatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.buildBatchingLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
int batchSize,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) |
protected UniqueEntityLoader |
LegacyBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.buildBatchingLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
int batchSize,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) |
protected UniqueEntityLoader |
DynamicBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.buildBatchingLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
int batchSize,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) |
UniqueEntityLoader |
BatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.buildLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
int batchSize,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers influencers)
Builds a batch-fetch capable loader based on the given persister, lock-options, etc.
protected UniqueEntityLoader |
BatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.buildNonBatchingLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) |
protected QueryParameters |
BatchingEntityLoader.buildQueryParameters(Serializable id,
Serializable[] ids,
Object optionalObject,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected Object |
BatchingEntityLoader.doBatchLoad(Serializable id,
Loader loaderToUse,
SessionImplementor session,
Serializable[] ids,
Object optionalObject,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
AbstractEntityLoader.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
SessionImplementor session,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
LegacyBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.LegacyBatchingEntityLoader.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
SessionImplementor session,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
UniqueEntityLoader.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
SessionImplementor session,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Load an entity instance by id.
Object |
DynamicBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.DynamicBatchingEntityLoader.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
SessionImplementor session,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected Object |
AbstractEntityLoader.load(SessionImplementor session,
Object id,
Object optionalObject,
Serializable optionalId,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected UniqueEntityLoader |
LegacyBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.buildBatchingLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
int batchSize,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) |
protected UniqueEntityLoader |
AbstractBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.buildNonBatchingLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) |
protected QueryParameters |
BatchingEntityLoader.buildQueryParameters(Serializable id,
Serializable[] ids,
Object optionalObject,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
protected Object |
BatchingEntityLoader.doBatchLoad(Serializable id,
Loader loaderToUse,
SessionImplementor session,
Serializable[] ids,
Object optionalObject,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
LegacyBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.LegacyBatchingEntityLoader.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
SessionImplementor session,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Object |
AbstractLoadPlanBasedEntityLoader.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
SessionImplementor session,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
List |
AbstractLoadPlanBasedEntityLoader.loadEntityBatch(SessionImplementor session,
Serializable[] ids,
Type idType,
Object optionalObject,
String optionalEntityName,
Serializable optionalId,
EntityPersister persister,
LockOptions lockOptions)
Called by wrappers that batch load entities
EntityLoader.Builder |
EntityLoader.Builder.withLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Constructor and Description |
LegacyBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.LegacyBatchingEntityLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
int maxBatchSize,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected LockMode[] |
QueryLoader.getLockModes(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SelectStatementBuilder.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions)
Sets the lock options for the select statement.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LockOptions |
Gets the lock options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected UniqueEntityLoader |
AbstractEntityPersister.createEntityLoader(LockOptions lockOptions,
LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) |
Object |
EntityPersister.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionImplementor session)
Load an instance of the persistent class.
Object |
AbstractEntityPersister.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionImplementor session)
Load an instance using either the forUpdateLoader or the outer joining loader,
depending upon the value of the lock parameter
Object |
NamedQueryLoader.load(Serializable id,
Object optionalObject,
SessionImplementor session,
LockOptions lockOptions) |
Serializable |
EntityPersister.loadEntityIdByNaturalId(Object[] naturalIdValues,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionImplementor session)
Load the id for the entity based on the natural id.
Serializable |
AbstractEntityPersister.loadEntityIdByNaturalId(Object[] naturalIdValues,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionImplementor session) |
void |
EntityPersister.lock(Serializable id,
Object version,
Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionImplementor session)
Do a version check (optional operation)
void |
AbstractEntityPersister.lock(Serializable id,
Object version,
Object object,
LockOptions lockOptions,
SessionImplementor session) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LockOptions |
Get the current lock options
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Select |
Select.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions)
Set the lock options
SimpleSelect |
SimpleSelect.setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions) |
Constructor and Description |
ForUpdateFragment(Dialect dialect,
LockOptions lockOptions,
Map<String,String[]> keyColumnNames) |
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