Class | Description |
JaxbAssociationOverride | |
JaxbAttributeOverride | |
JaxbAttributes |
This element contains the entity field or property mappings.
JaxbBasic | |
JaxbCascadeType |
public enum CascadeType { ALL, PERSIST, MERGE, REMOVE, REFRESH, DETACH};
JaxbCollectionTable | |
JaxbColumn | |
JaxbColumnResult | |
JaxbDiscriminatorColumn | |
JaxbElementCollection | |
JaxbEmbeddable |
Defines the settings and mappings for embeddable objects.
JaxbEmbeddableAttributes |
Java class for embeddable-attributes complex type.
JaxbEmbedded | |
JaxbEmbeddedId | |
JaxbEmptyType |
Java class for emptyType complex type.
JaxbEntity |
Defines the settings and mappings for an entity.
JaxbEntityListener |
Defines an entity listener to be invoked at lifecycle events for the entities that list this listener.
JaxbEntityListeners | |
JaxbEntityMappings |
The entity-mappings element is the root element of a mapping
JaxbEntityResult | |
JaxbFieldResult | |
JaxbGeneratedValue | |
JaxbId | |
JaxbIdClass | |
JaxbInheritance | |
JaxbJoinColumn | |
JaxbJoinTable | |
JaxbLob | |
JaxbManyToMany | |
JaxbManyToOne | |
JaxbMapKey | |
JaxbMapKeyClass | |
JaxbMapKeyColumn | |
JaxbMapKeyJoinColumn | |
JaxbMappedSuperclass |
Defines the settings and mappings for a mapped superclass.
JaxbNamedNativeQuery | |
JaxbNamedQuery | |
JaxbOneToMany | |
JaxbOneToOne | |
JaxbOrderColumn | |
JaxbPersistenceUnitDefaults |
These defaults are applied to the persistence unit as a whole unless they are overridden by local
annotation or XML element settings.
JaxbPersistenceUnitMetadata |
Metadata that applies to the persistence unit and not just to the mapping file in which it is contained.
JaxbPostLoad | |
JaxbPostPersist | |
JaxbPostRemove | |
JaxbPostUpdate | |
JaxbPrePersist | |
JaxbPreRemove | |
JaxbPreUpdate | |
JaxbPrimaryKeyJoinColumn | |
JaxbQueryHint | |
JaxbSecondaryTable | |
JaxbSequenceGenerator | |
JaxbSqlResultSetMapping | |
JaxbTable | |
JaxbTableGenerator | |
JaxbTransient | |
JaxbUniqueConstraint | |
JaxbVersion | |
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the org.hibernate.internal.jaxb.mapping.orm package.
Enum | Description |
JaxbAccessType |
Java class for access-type.
JaxbDiscriminatorType |
Java class for discriminator-type.
JaxbEnumType |
Java class for enum-type.
JaxbFetchType |
Java class for fetch-type.
JaxbGenerationType |
Java class for generation-type.
JaxbInheritanceType |
Java class for inheritance-type.
JaxbLockModeType |
Java class for lock-mode-type.
JaxbTemporalType |
Java class for temporal-type.
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