Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
abstract Object |
accept(PersistentClassVisitor mv) |
void |
addFilter(String name,
String condition,
boolean autoAliasInjection,
Map<String,String> aliasTableMap,
Map<String,String> aliasEntityMap) |
void |
addJoin(Join join) |
void |
addMappedsuperclassProperty(Property p) |
void |
addProperty(Property p) |
void |
addSubclass(Subclass subclass) |
protected void |
addSubclassJoin(Join join) |
protected void |
addSubclassProperty(Property prop) |
protected void |
addSubclassTable(Table subclassTable) |
void |
addSynchronizedTable(String table) |
void |
addTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode,
String implClassName) |
protected void |
checkColumnDuplication() |
protected void |
checkColumnDuplication(Set distinctColumns,
Iterator columns) |
protected void |
checkPropertyColumnDuplication(Set distinctColumns,
Iterator properties) |
void |
createPrimaryKey() |
int |
getBatchSize() |
abstract String |
getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() |
String |
getClassName() |
String |
getCustomSQLDelete() |
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle |
getCustomSQLDeleteCheckStyle() |
String |
getCustomSQLInsert() |
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle |
getCustomSQLInsertCheckStyle() |
String |
getCustomSQLUpdate() |
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle |
getCustomSQLUpdateCheckStyle() |
Component |
getDeclaredIdentifierMapper() |
abstract Property |
getDeclaredIdentifierProperty() |
Iterator |
getDeclaredPropertyIterator() |
abstract Property |
getDeclaredVersion() |
Iterator |
getDirectSubclasses() |
abstract Value |
getDiscriminator() |
protected Iterator |
getDiscriminatorColumnIterator() |
String |
getDiscriminatorValue() |
String |
getEntityName() |
abstract Class |
getEntityPersisterClass() |
List |
getFilters() |
abstract KeyValue |
getIdentifier() |
Component |
getIdentifierMapper() |
abstract Property |
getIdentifierProperty() |
Table |
getIdentityTable() |
Iterator |
getJoinClosureIterator() |
int |
getJoinClosureSpan() |
Iterator |
getJoinIterator() |
int |
getJoinNumber(Property prop) |
String |
getJpaEntityName() |
abstract KeyValue |
getKey() |
abstract Iterator |
getKeyClosureIterator() |
String |
getLoaderName() |
Class |
getMappedClass() |
MetaAttribute |
getMetaAttribute(String name) |
Map |
getMetaAttributes() |
abstract String |
getNaturalIdCacheRegionName() |
String |
getNodeName() |
protected Iterator |
getNonDuplicatedPropertyIterator() |
int |
OptimisticLockStyle |
getOptimisticLockStyle() |
Property |
getProperty(String propertyName) |
abstract Iterator |
getPropertyClosureIterator() |
int |
getPropertyClosureSpan() |
Iterator |
Build an iterator over the properties defined on this class.
Class |
getProxyInterface() |
String |
getProxyInterfaceName() |
Property |
getRecursiveProperty(String propertyPath) |
Iterator |
Build an iterator of properties which are "referenceable".
Property |
getReferencedProperty(String propertyPath)
Given a property path, locate the appropriate referenceable property reference.
abstract RootClass |
getRootClass() |
abstract Table |
getRootTable() |
Iterator |
getSubclassClosureIterator() |
abstract int |
getSubclassId() |
Iterator |
Iterate over subclasses in a special 'order', most derived subclasses
Iterator |
getSubclassJoinClosureIterator() |
Iterator |
getSubclassPropertyClosureIterator() |
int |
getSubclassSpan() |
Iterator |
getSubclassTableClosureIterator() |
abstract PersistentClass |
getSuperclass() |
MappedSuperclass |
getSuperMappedSuperclass() |
abstract Set |
getSynchronizedTables() |
abstract Table |
getTable() |
abstract Iterator |
getTableClosureIterator() |
String |
getTemporaryIdTableDDL() |
String |
getTemporaryIdTableName() |
String |
getTuplizerImplClassName(EntityMode mode) |
Map |
getTuplizerMap() |
Iterator |
Build an iterator over the properties defined on this class which
are not defined as part of a join.
abstract Property |
getVersion() |
abstract String |
getWhere() |
boolean |
hasDom4jRepresentation() |
abstract boolean |
hasEmbeddedIdentifier() |
boolean |
hasIdentifierMapper() |
abstract boolean |
hasIdentifierProperty() |
boolean |
hasNaturalId() |
boolean |
hasPojoRepresentation() |
boolean |
hasSelectBeforeUpdate() |
boolean |
hasSubclasses() |
boolean |
hasSubselectLoadableCollections() |
Boolean |
isAbstract() |
boolean |
isClassOrSuperclassJoin(Join join) |
boolean |
isClassOrSuperclassTable(Table closureTable) |
boolean |
isCustomDeleteCallable() |
boolean |
isCustomInsertCallable() |
boolean |
isCustomUpdateCallable() |
abstract boolean |
isDiscriminatorInsertable() |
boolean |
isDiscriminatorValueNotNull() |
boolean |
isDiscriminatorValueNull() |
abstract boolean |
isExplicitPolymorphism() |
boolean |
isForceDiscriminator() |
abstract boolean |
isInherited() |
abstract boolean |
isJoinedSubclass() |
boolean |
isLazy() |
abstract boolean |
isLazyPropertiesCacheable() |
abstract boolean |
isMutable() |
abstract boolean |
isPolymorphic() |
abstract boolean |
isVersioned() |
void |
prepareTemporaryTables(Mapping mapping,
Dialect dialect) |
void |
setAbstract(Boolean isAbstract) |
void |
setBatchSize(int batchSize) |
void |
setClassName(String className) |
void |
setCustomSQLDelete(String customSQLDelete,
boolean callable,
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) |
void |
setCustomSQLInsert(String customSQLInsert,
boolean callable,
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) |
void |
setCustomSQLUpdate(String customSQLUpdate,
boolean callable,
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) |
void |
setDeclaredIdentifierMapper(Component declaredIdentifierMapper) |
void |
setDiscriminatorValue(String discriminatorValue) |
void |
setDynamicInsert(boolean dynamicInsert) |
void |
setDynamicUpdate(boolean dynamicUpdate) |
void |
setEntityName(String entityName) |
abstract void |
setEntityPersisterClass(Class classPersisterClass) |
void |
setIdentifierMapper(Component handle) |
void |
setJpaEntityName(String jpaEntityName) |
void |
setLazy(boolean lazy) |
void |
setLoaderName(String loaderName) |
void |
setMetaAttributes(Map metas) |
void |
setNodeName(String nodeName) |
void |
setOptimisticLockMode(int optimisticLockMode)
void |
setOptimisticLockStyle(OptimisticLockStyle optimisticLockStyle) |
void |
setProxyInterfaceName(String proxyInterfaceName) |
void |
setSelectBeforeUpdate(boolean selectBeforeUpdate) |
void |
setSubselectLoadableCollections(boolean hasSubselectCollections) |
void |
setSuperMappedSuperclass(MappedSuperclass superMappedSuperclass) |
String |
toString() |
boolean |
useDynamicInsert() |
boolean |
useDynamicUpdate() |
void |
validate(Mapping mapping) |