public interface Loadable extends EntityPersister
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
getDiscriminatorAlias(String suffix)
Get the result set aliases used for the identifier columns, given a suffix
String |
getDiscriminatorColumnName() |
Type |
Get the discriminator type
Object |
Get the discriminator value
String[] |
getIdentifierAliases(String suffix)
Get the result set aliases used for the identifier columns, given a suffix
String[] |
Get the names of columns used to persist the identifier
String[] |
getPropertyAliases(String suffix,
int i)
Get the result set aliases used for the property columns, given a suffix (properties of this class, only).
String[] |
getPropertyColumnNames(int i)
Get the result set column names mapped for this property (properties of this class, only).
String |
getSubclassForDiscriminatorValue(Object value)
Get the concrete subclass corresponding to the given discriminator
String |
getTableAliasForColumn(String columnName,
String rootAlias)
Given a column name and the root table alias in use for the entity hierarchy, determine the proper table alias
for the table in that hierarchy that contains said column.
boolean |
Does the result set contain rowids?
boolean |
Does this persistent class have subclasses?
Object[] |
hydrate(ResultSet rs,
Serializable id,
Object object,
Loadable rootLoadable,
String[][] suffixedPropertyColumns,
boolean allProperties,
SessionImplementor session)
Retrieve property values from one row of a result set
boolean |
isAbstract() |
void |
registerAffectingFetchProfile(String fetchProfileName)
Register the name of a fetch profile determined to have an affect on the
underlying loadable in regards to the fact that the underlying load SQL
needs to be adjust when the given fetch profile is enabled.
afterInitialize, afterReassociate, buildCacheEntry, canExtractIdOutOfEntity, canUseReferenceCacheEntries, createProxy, delete, findDirty, findModified, forceVersionIncrement, generateEntityDefinition, getCacheAccessStrategy, getCacheEntryStructure, getClassMetadata, getConcreteProxyClass, getCurrentVersion, getDatabaseSnapshot, getEntityMetamodel, getEntityMode, getEntityName, getEntityTuplizer, getFactory, getFilterAliasGenerator, getIdByUniqueKey, getIdentifier, getIdentifier, getIdentifierGenerator, getIdentifierPropertyName, getIdentifierType, getInstrumentationMetadata, getMappedClass, getNaturalIdCacheAccessStrategy, getNaturalIdentifierProperties, getNaturalIdentifierSnapshot, getPropertyCascadeStyles, getPropertyCheckability, getPropertyInsertability, getPropertyInsertGenerationInclusions, getPropertyLaziness, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNullability, getPropertySpaces, getPropertyType, getPropertyTypes, getPropertyUpdateability, getPropertyUpdateGenerationInclusions, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, getPropertyValuesToInsert, getPropertyVersionability, getQuerySpaces, getRootEntityName, getSubclassEntityPersister, getVersion, getVersionProperty, getVersionType, hasCache, hasCascades, hasCollections, hasIdentifierProperty, hasInsertGeneratedProperties, hasLazyProperties, hasMutableProperties, hasNaturalIdCache, hasNaturalIdentifier, hasProxy, hasSubselectLoadableCollections, hasUninitializedLazyProperties, hasUpdateGeneratedProperties, implementsLifecycle, insert, insert, instantiate, isBatchLoadable, isCacheInvalidationRequired, isIdentifierAssignedByInsert, isInherited, isInstance, isInstrumented, isLazyPropertiesCacheable, isMutable, isSelectBeforeUpdateRequired, isSubclassEntityName, isTransient, isVersioned, isVersionPropertyGenerated, load, load, loadEntityIdByNaturalId, lock, lock, postInstantiate, processInsertGeneratedProperties, processUpdateGeneratedProperties, resetIdentifier, resolveAttributeIndexes, setIdentifier, setPropertyValue, setPropertyValues, update
getEntityKeyDefinition, getEntityPersister
static final String ROWID_ALIAS
boolean hasSubclasses()
Type getDiscriminatorType()
Object getDiscriminatorValue()
String getSubclassForDiscriminatorValue(Object value)
String[] getIdentifierColumnNames()
String[] getIdentifierAliases(String suffix)
String[] getPropertyAliases(String suffix, int i)
String[] getPropertyColumnNames(int i)
String getDiscriminatorAlias(String suffix)
String getDiscriminatorColumnName()
boolean hasRowId()
Object[] hydrate(ResultSet rs, Serializable id, Object object, Loadable rootLoadable, String[][] suffixedPropertyColumns, boolean allProperties, SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException, HibernateException
boolean isAbstract()
void registerAffectingFetchProfile(String fetchProfileName)
- The name of the profile affecting this.String getTableAliasForColumn(String columnName, String rootAlias)
- The column namerootAlias
- The hierarchy root aliasCopyright © 2001-2015 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.