ClassPathMapperScanner |
A ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner that registers Mappers by basePackage , annotationClass , or
markerInterface .
Logger |
Wrapper of Log , allow log with lambda expressions.
LoggerFactory |
LoggerFactory is a wrapper around LogFactory to support Logger .
MapperFactoryBean<T> |
BeanFactory that enables injection of MyBatis mapper interfaces.
MapperScan |
Use this annotation to register MyBatis mapper interfaces when using Java Config.
MapperScannerBeanDefinitionParser |
A {#code BeanDefinitionParser} that handles the element scan of the MyBatis.
MapperScannerConfigurer |
BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor that searches recursively starting from a base package for interfaces and
registers them as MapperFactoryBean .
MapperScannerRegistrar |
A ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar to allow annotation configuration of MyBatis mapper scanning.
MapperScans |
The Container annotation that aggregates several MapperScan annotations.
MyBatisBatchItemWriter<T> |
ItemWriter that uses the batching features from SqlSessionTemplate to execute a batch of statements
for all items provided.
MyBatisBatchItemWriterBuilder<T> |
MyBatisCursorItemReader<T> |
MyBatisCursorItemReaderBuilder<T> |
MyBatisExceptionTranslator |
Default exception translator.
MyBatisPagingItemReader<T> |
org.springframework.batch.item.ItemReader for reading database records using MyBatis in a paging fashion.
MyBatisPagingItemReaderBuilder<T> |
MyBatisSystemException |
MyBatis specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException , for MyBatis system errors that do not match
any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.
NamespaceHandler |
Namespace handler for the MyBatis namespace.
SpringManagedTransaction |
SpringManagedTransaction handles the lifecycle of a JDBC connection.
SpringManagedTransactionFactory |
Creates a SpringManagedTransaction .
SqlSessionDaoSupport |
Convenient super class for MyBatis SqlSession data access objects.
SqlSessionFactoryBean |
FactoryBean that creates a MyBatis SqlSessionFactory .
SqlSessionHolder |
Used to keep current SqlSession in TransactionSynchronizationManager .
SqlSessionTemplate |
Thread safe, Spring managed, SqlSession that works with Spring transaction management to ensure that that the
actual SqlSession used is the one associated with the current Spring transaction.
SqlSessionUtils |
Handles MyBatis SqlSession life cycle.