Interface | Description |
Interceptor |
An interceptor is a stateless class that follows the interceptor pattern, as
found in
javax.servlet.Filter and in AOP languages. |
NoParameters |
Marker interface to incidate no auto setting of parameters.
ParameterNameAware |
This interface is implemented by actions that want to declare acceptable parameters.
PreResultListener |
PreResultListeners may be registered with an
ActionInvocation to get a callback after the
Action has been executed but before the Result
is executed. |
ScopedModelDriven<T> |
Adds the ability to set a model, probably retrieved from a given state.
ValidationErrorAware |
ValidationErrorAware classes can be notified about validation errors
DefaultWorkflowInterceptor will return 'inputResultName' result
to allow change or not the result name
This interface can be only applied to action which already implements ValidationAware interface! |
ValidationWorkflowAware |
ValidationWorkflowAware classes can programmatically change result name when errors occurred
This interface can be only applied to action which already implements
ValidationAware interface! |
Class | Description |
AbstractInterceptor |
Provides default implementations of optional lifecycle methods
AliasInterceptor |
The aim of this Interceptor is to alias a named parameter to a different named parameter.
ChainingInterceptor |
An interceptor that copies all the properties of every object in the value stack to the currently executing object,
except for any object that implements
Unchainable . |
ConversionErrorInterceptor |
ConversionErrorInterceptor adds conversion errors from the ActionContext to the Action's field errors.
DefaultWorkflowInterceptor |
An interceptor that makes sure there are not validation errors before allowing the interceptor chain to continue.
ExceptionHolder |
A simple wrapper around an exception, providing an easy way to print out the stack trace of the exception as well as
a way to get a handle on the exception itself.
ExceptionMappingInterceptor |
This interceptor forms the core functionality of the exception handling feature.
I18nInterceptor |
An interceptor that handles setting the locale specified in a session as the locale for the current action request.
LoggingInterceptor |
This interceptor logs the start and end of the execution an action (in English-only, not internationalized).
MethodFilterInterceptor |
MethodFilterInterceptor is an abstract
Interceptor used as
a base class for interceptors that will filter execution based on method
names according to specified included/excluded method lists. |
MethodFilterInterceptorUtil |
Utility class contains common methods used by
MethodFilterInterceptor . |
ModelDrivenInterceptor |
Watches for
ModelDriven actions and adds the action's model on to the value stack. |
ModelDrivenInterceptor.RefreshModelBeforeResult |
Refreshes the model instance on the value stack, if it has changed
ParameterFilterInterceptor |
The Parameter Filter Interceptor blocks parameters from getting
to the rest of the stack or your action.
ParameterRemoverInterceptor |
This is a simple XWork interceptor that allows parameters (matching
one of the paramNames attribute csv value) to be
removed from the parameter map if they match a certain value
(matching one of the paramValues attribute csv value), before they
are set on the action.
ParametersInterceptor |
This interceptor sets all parameters on the value stack.
PrefixMethodInvocationUtil |
A utility class for invoking prefixed methods in action class.
PrepareInterceptor |
This interceptor calls
prepare() on actions which implement
Preparable . |
ScopedModelDrivenInterceptor |
An interceptor that enables scoped model-driven actions.
StaticParametersInterceptor |
This interceptor populates the action with the static parameters defined in the action configuration.
TimerInterceptor |
This interceptor logs the amount of time in milliseconds.
Enum | Description |
I18nInterceptor.Storage |
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